
Documentation for the SMaRC project software repositories ;-)

Generating the documentation


Run sudo pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme m2r to get the necessary dependencies.

Writing documentation

The sphinx tool that generates the docs uses restructured text as input to generate the pages. See this page for details on rst. See e.g. this example for details on how you can structure the documentation.

Updating documentation

Go into the root of this repo. Run make html and check that all your changes look good by opening html/index.html in a web browser. To get your changes into there are two options:

Easy option

Commit the changes and open a pull request against , then ping @nilsbore to do the rest.

Hard option

First do the easy step, either by pull request or pushing directly to the repo. Then copy all contents of the html folder into the root of . Commit the changes to that repo and push or open a pull request to get the changes up to .